One of the key services we provide is transportation. We travel approximately 1,500 miles per week in our small passenger van helping people get to detox, treatment as well as other appointments and service events.
We know the importance of ‘meeting a person where they’re at’- not only in their recovery readiness but physically as well. A lack of transportation shouldn’t be an obstacle to recovery but surprisingly, it can be. When a person is ready to get help, we know that every minute counts. That’s where CTC helps fill the gap. For a person who decides to take a first step toward his/her recovery, the time between making that decision and getting to detox is most often filled with immense anxiety. Being able to talk to an experienced recovery peer professional like Mike, our CTC president, who knows the detox and treatment process and providers in the areas we serve is a great help as he not only picks up the person but helps them through the process, giving viable encouragement that a person with addiction understands, and many times, stays with them through the process of getting admitted so they aren’t alone.
1,500 miles a week is a lot of travel and we can’t control gas prices!
E.A.R.T.H. is Emergency Addiction Recovery Transitional Housing.
Emergency housing for clients leaving detox and are newly on their path to recovery are especially vulnerable relapse if left unhoused. The EARTH model provides a safe place for them to stay clean and sober while awaiting in-patient treatment bed dates. The stay at our facility is no charge to the clients as most are without funding and resources. Once the clients have completed treatment, they can return to Nick's Place for up to 90-days.
Addiction steals everything from a person- including their dignity. Our outreach program to provide basic needs in the way of clothing and hygiene packs filled with basic hygiene products is geared to help:
- Those just starting their recovery journey. Having the basic necessities in our hygiene packs gives back dignity to a person more than we can explain!
- Those who are homeless. Our hygiene kits provided to the homeless people we meet allows us to help them know they haven’t been forgotten, allows us to invite them to connection with recovery because CTC holds strongly to our belief that as long as a person is breathing, they can attain recovery.
Courage to Change Recovery Services provides a transitional housing program in Everett WA. Nick's Place is a 16 bed Men's emergency recovery house. This facility is a low-barrier recovery shelter as we do not ask for money or vouchers to move in. We allow MAR and MAT but require the clients to pass a UA completely upon entry and throughout their stay.
We house clients leaving detox awaiting in-patient treatment beds at no charge and house clients leaving treatment or re-entry clients for a monthly or weekly fee.
All utilities and basic essentials are provided.
8 beds are allocated to emergency transitional clients.
8 beds are allocated for clients seeking clean and sober housing after treatment and is a maximum of 90 days.
There are two full-time live-in managers on site and 24 hour surveillance for security.
The clients are required to attend 12 step recovery meetings, intensive out-patient treatment or mental health sessions during their stay. Volunteering at CTCRS' monthly community feed is suggested but not required.
Our scholarships are based on the generous donations of our supporters.
For an entrance interview, contact Christina @ 206-226-4608
If you'd like to help us with our staple services-
transportation, housing & basic needs or help with a scholarship to Nick's Place, click below to donate!
Courage to Change Recovery Services
2912 Hewitt Ave Everett WA 98201
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